1 # The mass distribution of Galactic double neutron stars 2 We highly recommend reading [*The Mass Distribution of Galactic Double Neutron Stars*; (Farrow, Zhu, & Thrane 2019)]( for details along with this demonstraion. 3 4 Here we provide code which performs Bayesian inference on a sample of 17 Galactic double neutron stars (DNS) in order to investigate their mass distribution. Each DNS is comprised of two neutron stars (NS), a recycled NS and a non-recycled (slow) NS. We compare two hypotheses: A - recycled NS and non-recycled NS follow an identical mass distribution, and B - they are drawn from two distinct populations. Within each hypothesis we also explore three possible functional models: gaussian, two-gaussian (mixture model), and uniform mass distributions. 5 6 You can take a look at the [demo here]( or you can download the git repository with: 7 8 `git clone`. 9 10  11 12 ## Requirements 13 ### Without running inference (just demonstration & data analysis): 14 * Jupyter or Ipython 15 * numpy, scipy 16 17 ### Additional requirements if performing own inference: 18 * PyMultiNest (see 19 20 ## Full code 21 A more detailed version of the code can be found here under [mainCode](/mainCode/). 22 23 ## Citations 24 Thank you [Buchner et al. 2014, A&A]( for their python interface of MultiNest [F. Feroz, M.P. Hobson, M. Bridges. 2008](