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      1 #![feature(decl_macro)]
      3 #[macro_use]
      4 extern crate rocket;
      5 use roast_signer::client::RoastClient;
      6 use roast_signer::frost;
      8 use rocket::State;
      9 use schnorr_fun::{
     10     frost::{Frost, XOnlyFrostKey},
     11     nonce::Deterministic,
     12     Message, Schnorr,
     13 };
     14 use secp256kfun::Scalar;
     15 use sha2::Sha256;
     16 use std::{error::Error, sync::Mutex};
     18 #[get("/sign?<nonce_set>")]
     19 pub fn sign<'a>(
     20     signer_db: &State<Mutex<RoastClient<'a, Sha256, Deterministic<Sha256>>>>,
     21     nonce_set: String,
     22 ) -> () {
     23 }
     25 #[rocket::main]
     26 // Here we need to spawn n_parties of rockets under different ports and launch?
     27 async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
     28     let message = Message::plain("test", b"test");
     29     let (secret_shares, frost_keys) = frost::frost_keygen(3, 5);
     30     frost_keys
     31         .iter()
     32         .zip(secret_shares)
     33         .enumerate()
     34         .map(|(i, (frost_key, secret_share))| {
     35             create_roast_client(frost_key.clone(), i, secret_share, [0].as_slice(), message)
     36         });
     37     Ok(())
     38 }
     40 fn create_roast_client<'a>(
     41     frost_key: XOnlyFrostKey,
     42     my_index: usize,
     43     secret_share: Scalar,
     44     initial_nonce_sid: &[u8],
     45     message: Message<'a>,
     46 ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
     47     rocket::build()
     48         .manage(Mutex::new(RoastClient::start(
     49             "".to_string(),
     50             Frost::new(Schnorr::<Sha256, Deterministic<Sha256>>::new(
     51                 Deterministic::<Sha256>::default(),
     52             )),
     53             frost_key,
     54             my_index,
     55             secret_share,
     56             initial_nonce_sid,
     57             message,
     58         )))
     59         .mount(
     60             "/",
     61             routes![
     62             sign,   //post
     63         ],
     64         )
     65         .launch();
     66     Ok(())
     67 }